Nextnat has been a big disappointment for me during recent months of bull market. It share price does not really move. Instead, it moved slightly lower!!
I believe its share price does not reflect the financial results that have been achieved in last few quarters. I would say the share price moves accordingly to the management style where they prefer 'slow and steady' instead of expanding too aggresively. As a result, the gearing is almost zero with very little debt involved in this company.
It's wholly-owned subsidiary, Ozura has been expanding actively in recent months. Maxgames, the partnership between Maxis and Ozura, is growing with more and more games and activities introduced. Please refer to
www.maxgames.com.my for more information about Maxgames.
With mobile contents become more important for telco companies, Nextnat is on the right path to continue its growth!
However, I realise that more players come in to enjoy this fast growing market. The major competitors in this market are mTouche, MNC Wireless, AKN Mess, Airocom, GMO and others. mTouche and GMO would be the strong competitors while the rest do not really doing well at this moment.
No doubt things are moving slow in Nexnat as they yet to complete private placement and bonus issue date is not finalised.
Let's wait for the Q3 result which is due next month (March 07) and we will get a clearer picture of Nextnat. I have stated my personal expextation in my previous blog.
Be patient again? Holding power is important in this situation ...